argocd-diff-preview [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --repo <repo> --target-branch <target-branch>
-d, --debug
Activate debug mode
Ignore invalid watch pattern Regex on Applications. If flag is unset
and an invalid Regex is found, the tool will exit with an error
-h, --help
Prints help information
Keep cluster alive after the tool finishes
-V, --version
Prints version information
--argocd-chart-version <version>
Argo CD Helm Chart version
--argocd-namespace <argocd-namespace>
Namespace to use for Argo CD
[env: ARGOCD_NAMESPACE=] [default: argocd]
-b, --base-branch <base-branch>
Base branch name
[env: BASE_BRANCH=] [default: main]
--base-branch-folder <folder>
Base branch folder
[env: BASE_BRANCH_FOLDER=] [default: base-branch]
-i, --diff-ignore <diff-ignore>
Ignore lines in diff. Example: use 'v[1,9]+.[1,9]+.[1,9]+'
for ignoring changes caused by version changes following semver
-r, --file-regex <file-regex>
Regex to filter files. Example: "/apps_.*\.yaml"
[env: FILE_REGEX=]
--files-changed <files-changed>
List of files changed between the two branches.
Input must be a comma or space separated list of strings.
When provided, only Applications watching these files will be rendered
-c, --line-count <line-count>
Generate diffs with <n> lines above and below the highlighted
changes in the diff.
[env: LINE_COUNT=] [Default: 10]
--local-cluster-tool <tool>
Local cluster tool. Options: kind, minikube
[env: LOCAL_CLUSTER_TOOL=] [default: auto]
--max-diff-length <length>
Max diff message character count.
[env: MAX_DIFF_LENGTH=] [Default: 65536] (GitHub comment limit)
-o, --output-folder <output-folder>
Output folder where the diff will be saved
[env: OUTPUT_FOLDER=] [default: ./output]
--repo <repo>
Git Repository - Example: OWNER/REPO
[env: REPO=]
-s, --secrets-folder <secrets-folder>
Secrets folder where the secrets are read from
[env: SECRETS_FOLDER=] [default: ./secrets]
-l, --selector <selector>
Label selector to filter on.
Supports '=', '==', and '!='. (e.g. -l key1=value1,key2=value2)
[env: SELECTOR=]
-t, --target-branch <target-branch>
Target branch name
--target-branch-folder <folder>
Target branch folder
[env: TARGET_BRANCH_FOLDER=] [default: target-branch]
--timeout <timeout>
Set timeout for waiting for Applications to become 'OutOfSync'
[env: TIMEOUT=] [default: 180]